Meet our puppy parents!
Maggie is our petite Goldendoodle. She weighs 16lbs, is dark red and has the most perfect wavy, non-shedding coat. . Maggie lives in a guardian home with some of our very dear friends.
Piper is our F1 Cavapoo and future momma to our Cavapoo puppies. She is 9 lbs with red and white abstract markings. Piper lives in a guardian home with one of my best homeschooling buddies! She loves to chase their pet bunnies around the yard and has the cutest little dancing trick!
Anna is our English Cream Golden Retriever. She is 77lbs and is always happy and ready to play. She is the momma to our English Teddy Bear Goldendoodles. Anna loves to play ball and is always begging for a new bone. She is an excellent momma and takes exceptional care of her puppies.
Now Retired
Anne is our F1 mini goldendoodle. She weighs 27lbs and is the momma to some of our mini and petite goldendoodles. Momma Anne is my buddy and lives here with us on our family farm.
Now Retired
Poppy is our red and white parti Poodle. She is 24lbs and has the sweetest temperment. Poppy loves a ball and her momma more than anything in the world and is one of the smartest dogs I've ever met. Poppy lives in a guardian home with some of our dear friends.
Copper is our red abstract moyen Poodle. He is 34lbs and has a very sweet temperament. He is the daddy to some of our mini and medium goldendoodles. Copper lives in a guardian home with one of our family members.